I started viewing the world behind a camera back in the late 1940's, processing black and white film in my parents bathroom.  I had to wait till nightfall to develop the film, I know what's that stuff.  Life was simple and one snapped and then went home for the big reveal if you were doing your own processing.  No computers, no photo software, no inkjets and of course no color.  I miss the darkroom but enjoy the freedom of taking a picture and seeing the results immediately and being able to correct my mistakes in the field. 

Starting this year 2018 I replaced my Canon 40D with a full frame Canon 6DMK II and carry very few lenses.  My go to or favorite range lens is a f4.0  24mm-105mm wide angle to slightly telephoto for most of my landscape adventures. 

I grew up in the film world so I am slow to press the shutter release because I like to study a scene before I even raise the camera.  In other words compose the picture in my mind first,  and then blast away.

I hope you all enjoy what you see and I welcome your comments both pro and con. 


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